March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer is cancer that affects the colon or the rectum and is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in Canada. Although it can affect people at any age, it is most common in those over the age of 70. If you are 50 years old or older and are at low risk for colorectal cancer, screening can be performed every two years by a stool sample. If you are at a higher risk for colorectal cancer, I highly recommend you talk with your doctor about when to start screening and what tests might benefit you the most. 

You might be considered high risk if you have a family history of colorectal cancer, a personal history of it, if you have ever been told you have polyps in your colon or rectum, if you live with inflammatory bowel diseases, or if you have inherited conditions such as lynch syndrome or FAP. 

If caught early, treatment options and interventions can be very promising.

For more information, please visit

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